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Depressing Housing and Homelessness Facts

As we are putting together our Housing is a Human Right Resolution (still draft for a few more days) we are gathering facts about housing in the Dane County area, and its depressing. And, I have two anecdotes to share to drive that home.

LEGISTAR County Week Ahead!!!

I'm not sure if there is anyone in the universe more excited about this than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Looks like the meeting won't be so long that they need to refer Judge Doyle Square tonight . . . but I understand that they haven't met all the requirements and the council would likely have referred it anyways. Or maybe, just voted it down.

A Biased Letter

For those who do not know, the Janesville School Board has demanded that the teachers sign contracts without actually knowing what is in them.  ...

Lawton and Lautenschlager Endorse Soglin

Soglin Campaign: Barbara Lawton and Peg Lautenschlager endorse Paul Soglin for Madison mayor plus Terese Berceau commercial. Former Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton and former Attorney...

A Plan for Madison

At the EDC meeting tonight, Tim Cooley had a comment about going back to John Nolen's plan for Madison. Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Here's what Nolen wrote a century ago and how we're doing with it today.

Did you know this is a $10M Decision?

Tonight the Board of Estimates will be voting on this "Amending the 2015 adopted Capital Improvement Plan to provide matching funds for the City’s 2015 TIGER grant application and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a contract with USDOT to receive and expend the TIGER funds if awarded." Do you have any clue what this is about and what the extra $10M in would be spent on?

Everything will be passed in one big motion except for the following unless it changes at the meeting or someone shows up to speak. Looks like they plan to talk about youth and adult employment programs (Bidar-Sielaff), 134 Fair Oaks TIF (Ahrens) and Public Market Foundation (Rummel).

Rain Worse Than -20 Degrees For People Without Homes?

Homeless out on the streets for Christmas because it is not less than 20 degrees outside? It worries me this time of year that is stressful for people in the best of living conditions.

And . . they’re off! Alder Committee Assignments?

The intrigue after the elections turns to who is running for President and Pro Tem and who will get what committee assignments. And they seem to be moving fast!

Solutions Provided to the City-County Liaison Committee

2 times ago they met, I provided tons of solutions for them, which were recycled from many conversations before, but this is what I gave them. It was over 40 pages with only the summaries of the information - It would be hundreds of pages of reports, with over 150 recommendations if I compiled it all. I tried, but it was overwhelming.

Council Amendments to be Considered Tonight (Tuesday)

For what it is worth . . . here they are.