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County Week Ahead

There were no meetings yesterday, so you didn't miss anything.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Count Them, 6 Changes to the City Week...

It's getting worse instead of better, isn't it?

Zach Madden: Rhythm and Booms, a bust on the environment

Report on the City of Madison Committee on Environment 7/15/2013 Meeting by Zach Madden.

Ridiculous City Week Ahead

I can only tell you what they tell us, which is often severely lacking . . .

Hero to Zero.

James Lofton went from being a hero and recognized by the city for his efforts to help save a woman's life by helping prevent her from jumping off the Monona Terrace, to (less than a month later) being kicked off the Monona Terrace rooftop area and another area because he is homeless veteran and has "too much" stuff with him. You can't make this up.

Common Council Recap – $1.2M for Monona Terrace Restrooms. Wow.

I think that what they decided was that the process had gone pretty far and they would make the decision later when they do the 2014 budget, when it is too late because the items had all been ordered for the renovations. Tho, I do think that there is interest in only doing the things most necessary. WARNING: There are some really obnoxious statements coming up. "Wow factor" indeed.

Why there is no cooling center . . .

The official explanation from the Mayor's office, on behalf of the city and county

Rickert’s Reporting Gap

Today Chris Rickert had a column criticizing the Madison Metropolitan School Board for taking their eye off the ball of the achievement gap. First,...

Common Council Recap Part I (of many)

Getting the council meeting started, honoring resolutions, Rosa Rd pronounciation, consent agenda, early registrations, public hearings and Heikkenen contract.

Council Budget Discussion and Priorities

Each Council member takes 3 minutes to share their hopes, dreams and priorities. They didn't have any time left to discuss what each other said, but you can get sense of each council member's priorities.

Justifying $1.2M Bathrooms

Really? Do you think it can be done? Here's a shot at it!

LONG council meeting tonight . . . (UPDATED)

Here is what they think they will be discussing . . . and they will be throwing around millions of dollars for Union Corners, Monona Terrace, Water Utility, James Doyle Square etc . . . while hand wringing over $200,000 for non-profits for emergency projects, no cooling shelter (virtually free) this year an still no restrooms or lockers for the homeless. ($15,000)