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County Week Ahead

6 meetings, 3 of them are at 5:30 on Thursday, 2 before noon this week.

Soglin Message to City Employees

Scott Walker impacts overwhelming, but he'll try not to make it worse. Watch for a budget process for employees to participate in.

County Executive Appoints Supervisors to Committees

This will require confirmation by the County Board. Committees are where the public has the best chance of seeing what the county board is doing.

Board of Estimates Budget Discussion Recap (Amendments 20 – 32)

Sorry to make you wait. Here's more of the meeting on Monday.

Open Forum On Tenant’s Rights Tonight

Tonight, March 29, at 5:30 pm at the Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd Floor) in Union South. there will be an open forum on the past and future of tenants rights in Wisconsin.

Mayor Vetoes Billboard Ordinance!

Today, I love the Mayor again, just wait 5 minutes tho . . .

“Big Dream” for John Nolen Drive

After being on the council for 8 years, and plan commission for 3 years, I was a little surprised to hear that there are some plans the city has been taking a look at for years . . . here's the report from the EDC meeting.

Can you ban people from a public building?

The next salvo from the mayor's office is to institute a procedure to ban people from the city-county building like they do at the library or Lisa Link park. I think it raises a few questions.

TONIGHT! Winter 4, No Plan? No Permanent Comprehensive Day Center?

Can you imagine, we're going into winter number 4 with no comprehensive day center, no plans of what to do for the winter, and our heads stuck in the sand. Let's see if we can change that TONIGHT!

District 1: Candidates Top Issues

District 1, Far West Side/SW side of Madison.

Alder Verveer Amendment on Overture for tonight

Michael May sent this out with a note that says: "Alder Verveer asked that I distribute this amendment that he will offer from the floor tonight. This language was agreed to by Alder Verveer, the Mayor’s office, the HR Director and me." Since when does an alder negotiate with staff for what they can and cannot propose to a resolution?

Meeting to discuss Walkers’s $900M Cut to Schools

Scott Walker's path of destruction continues, with a huge cuts to schools and more . . . here's a meeting to try to find out more information about how it will affect the schools and what can be done about it.