Home Media Page 186


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Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

Water Utility Board “Requests”

So, this is what Water Board President Lauren Cnare had to say about this little $6M snafu. If Denise DeMarb had not been asked, the powerpoint slides about what the water utility board thinks would not have been presented. What they have to say and what she explains sounds different than what I blogged about yesterday and the memo that the council got from the Water Utilty Manager Tom Heikkenen.
Round Up

Round Up

Random things happening around town and in local government.

Best Affordable Housing Plan in 20 years!

Yes! The Mayor and the staff that worked on this plan get a HUGE thmubs up from me . . . let's see how the council and the community do?! Let's hope the predictions of the mayor that the council will say this is not enough are true!

Meet Randy Hopper

While you have been able to get the latest news on Randy Hopper right here at this humble little blog, there are a...

City Budget Amendments

These are the amendments that the Board of Estimates will be discussing after 18 other items. I was guessing that they will be done with the other items in about 45 minutes, but you never know.

County Board to Use Messner’s Property for Affordable Housing

It's like bizarro world today, the county board is going to use the former day site property for affordable housing AND, and this is the freaky part . . . the mayor agrees.

The Low Down on Voting

You've probably been inundated with negative campaign ads and will be glad to get this day over. But, now that it is election day, you might still have questions. Here's some useful links for you!

70% or so of the City Week Ahead

Expect 4 - 10 meetings to be added throughout the week. You might ask "What's the point of a "weekly schedule"?" Should be called the weekly "misleading attempt to cloud government transparency". More than half the meetings are before 5pm.

County Week Ahead

Their budget will be done tonight. Another 15 minute meeting?

What is wrong with people?

Who planned this?! Are they completely unaware of what happens on August 15th every year? And yet connected to the University? Seriously peop0le.

What’s So Scary About a Train?

"What's so scary about a train?" That question deserves to be asked seriously because within the answer lies the path forward for those who want to see rail transportation projects of all types survive and thrive in Wisconsin.