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Tiny Houses Are Coming to Madison!

We might not be able to put them on private property anywhere in the City of Madison, including church or non-profit parking lots, but we can park them in the street! i.e. Camping, Part II. And learn how you can help us make tiny houses a reality!!!

All Camping Tents in the City of Madison Are Illegal

No more boy scout or girl scout events, no more church camping events, no more sleep overs with the neighborhood kids, no more overflow sleeping for guests - tents in your back yard, or anywhere in the city, are illegal and you will be violating zoning code and could be written up if you don't comply.

Sally’s Got Some Work to Do

I went to the meeting with the Salvation Army where they met with the neighborhood and explained their move from 600 E. Washington to...

Change One: Cuz there had to be one!

Yeah - 3 days and they still couldn't get the entire weeks agenda together before Monday morning. And they are meeting on July 4th!!! 10am?

VERY short county week ahead

2 meetings

Short City Week Ahead (Is probably still not complete)

One would think this correct, but I won't hold my breath!

WORT Volunteers Needed

A few special requests . . .

Changes 6 & 7 to the Weekly Schedule

Barely 24 hours notice . . . Of course, the agendas are not linked as I'm typing this, so you'll have to check...

Mayor’s Message to City Employees

I like a mayor who shows this kind of leadership . . . and confidence in (mostly) awesome city employees. From: Mayor Sent: Wednesday, June 26,...

5th Change to the Weekly Schedule?

Not even 24 hours notice this time . . . .

Fer christsakes . . . (Updated)

I am not now, nor have I ever been, CATHOLIC.