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Madison Schools Week Ahead

5 meetings this week . . .

County Week Ahead

6 of 16 meetings held during the day, again, not "lunch time" meetings. 8:30, 2:30, 3:45, 7am, 9:00, 9:00. And 4 of the major county committees all meet at essentially the same time on Tuesday night.

City Week Ahead

11 meetings held during the day of 27 and not at times where you can just "go to lunch" to attend the meetings . . . 11:00. 1:00, 1:30, 12:30, 11:00, 12:00, 1:30, 1:30, 9:30, 10:00 & 2:00. Your inclusive and inviting government scheduled while you work. Also, the comprehensive plan (will guide development for the next 10 years . . .) is being approved at 7 meetings this week.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings on Monday . . .

County Week Ahead

Hmmm . . . they cancelled their county board meeting. Only 7 meetings this week.

City Week Ahead

Shitshow as per usual. Hard to tell what is going on - 5 committees missing agendas, 2 in legistar not on weekly schedule . . . do any of our elected officials care that the public can't tell what the hell is going on unless they are an insider? Do the insiders even know? It's absurd you have to look in 2 places to put together one week's worth of agendas and the info is all so confusing and incomplete. Please ask them to be more transparent and fix this! allalders@cityofmadison.com and mayor@cityofmadison.com

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings this week.

County Week Ahead

13 meetings, and new committee assignments came out on Friday - we'll be finding out who is the chair of various committees in the upcoming weeks, tho they are likely the first one's listed for each committee.

City Week Ahead

A mess as usual, I interpreted the two schedules the best I could.

Council Discussion on F-35s

The Chamber of Commerce was just one vote away from from preventing the City of Madison from giving input on about the F-35s. Luckily, reason prevailed. And please note, if you think all liberals are the same - that's not true, there are big differences. Some liberals stand up for the Chamber of Commerce, some stand up for the people of Madison, particularly low-income neighborhoods that are impacted by decisions like bringing F-35s to Madison. This is what happens when people aren't paying attention (i.e. not election time, , media doesn't cover things.) And wow, this is either "much ado about nothing" or it IS about something. And I don't think alders would be fighting this hard to not do something unless it somehow mattered.

What will the council talk about tonight?

They are elections a new council President (Samba Baldeh?) and Vice President (Sheri Carter) and thanking outgoing President Marsha Rummel. They will be hearing from the police chief on his quarterly report and I'd be surprised if they didn't talk about F-35s . . . but I've been surprised before!

UPDATE: Council Feedback on F-35s

Which is really your feedback. It is 40 pages long . . . here's the main recommendations at this point- it may or may not be what gets passed tonight, I'm not clear as I think there is another substitute resolution coming. Good news is that if you have input, its a SHORT agenda for tonight. Will the council bend to the will of the Chamber of Commerce or will they vote for the people of Madison who are most impacted by this decision and the environment? :( I hope I'm wrong about my prediction.