Home Media Page 19


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Why Teachers Need a Union – Part 2

I posted before some examples why teachers need a union. From Idaho we get another case study! A high school science teacher in Idaho is...

City Week Ahead

13 of 18 (72%) meetings at 5:00 or below, making it difficult for working people, who don't happen too be paid lobbyists, to attend or give input.

TRC: Iron Chef Battle Is On!

14 chefs are furiously cooking at home right now, preparing tasty treats just for you tonight!!!

City-County War on the Homeless Reignited?

Blogging this morning from the floor of the city-county building, the scene of yesterday's ridiculousness. There are two guys on the steps watching the stuff...

What (some) Madison Police Officers Think of Madison Residents

It ain't good. Includes words like "go fuck yourselves", "assbags" and "glory-holing nincompoops" . . . yes, some of Madison's finest, Dean Baldukas and Scott McConnell. These guys are out on the streets and may answer when you call. Be warned.

Neighborhood Remarks in Response to OM Tiny House Village

I'm skipping my presentation and the information from Zoning and Public Health for now, subject of another post. The important part is the bizarre remarks from the police department - also going to be the subject of another post - and what the neighbors had to say.

Retaliation for Wednesday’s Blog Post

County Board Chair consulting with the sheriff and head of Health and Human Needs threatening to cut TRC's funds. Yeah. That's right.

4/20 Ben Masel Day

Was reminded of this via facebook h/t to Irving (for the reminder) and Leslie (for Phil Ejercito's awesome photo). Makes me sad. The world needs more Ben Masel's, now more than ever. ben

View from Outside the Bubble!

When I first started with Forwardlookout, we brought you the stories of how Sunny Schubert writes a local column disguised as public interest, in...

White, Stupid and Drunk – Double (Racist) Standard

Drunken College Students blocking off the streets, starting fires, 5 arrests = "mostly good behavior". And yet after a month of peaceful protests the "fear" of violence started by Chief Koval, lied about by Chief Koval and continued by Chief Koval, continues to be a concern to reporters and people throughout the city. Why?

Singing for the 1st

Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Nathaniel Macon One thing that is common place...

Tenant Resource Center REALLY Needs Your Help This Time!

I know this sounds familiar, the county is once again cutting the Tenant Resource Center. $95,000. 1/3 of our budget. And this time, they may have figured out how to make it stick. Please contact Joe Parisi (parisi@countyofdane.com) and tell him this is unacceptable, and to add us back to his budget. And read below for other ways you can help! (i.e. volunteer, sponsor fundraiser, etc.)