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Your Eyes Needed!

The city's budget is complex, and yet provides little information. Each department budget has lots of moving parts, and in order to have it properly reviewed, the public needs to get involved! If you have a special interest, try looking at just the budget for the department involved! And then let them know what you think! The more eyes, the better the budget!

There’s an Open Seat on the County Board!

Dave deFelice is stepping down, I believe since he waited, the county board will appoint, but it might be a special election. Stay tuned!

Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...

City Council Meeting (Livish)

I'm super tired and I can't guarantee that my fingers don't just do their own thing, but I'll do my best.

Fruits and Nuts Victory Challenged

Fruits and nuts decision being challenged based on open meetings laws . . . but when similar issues are raised elsewhere, there are no violations that they are concerned about . . . I'm tired of double standards in this fair city.

Staff Foul!

Wow. Last night the County Parks Department staff outdid even former Mayor Dave in slimy process. This is usually done when people don't want to look bad on the issues or can't win on the merits.

Tenant’s Rights Rally Tonight at 5:00

All that is left is for the Assembly to pass SB107 which will prohibit Madison and Dane County from finding local solutions for local problems including removing laws on the books that prohibit a landlord from requiring 3 times the amount of income as rent, protecting people from being required to give their social security number, removing our protections that require a landlord to deny tenants for only housing related arrest and conviction records and limit that to two years, lets a landlord wait to ask you to renew your lease til 1/4 of the lease is over, limits security deposits to one month's rent, and requires check-in and check-out sheets and photos beofre the landlord takes money from your security deposit.

New Community Development Director

I like Jim, but this seems like an odd choice.

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...

Lawton and Lautenschlager Endorse Soglin

Soglin Campaign: Barbara Lawton and Peg Lautenschlager endorse Paul Soglin for Madison mayor plus Terese Berceau commercial. Former Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton and former Attorney...

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Here's the consent agenda.

What will the council talk about tonight

This, and items people show up to talk about - like the budget and the Police Policy Report writer.