Home Media Page 191


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

JDS: WHAT?! Simultaneous Negotiations for Research Park

So, I don't know how to say this, so I'll just say it. At the same time Exact Sciences is negotiating to come downtown, "they" also have purchased property in Research Park and are negotiating to stay there. Has this all just been a ruse?

County Week Ahead

Wednesday night public hearing on the county budget, a few committees starting to discuss amendments and a very short (even for the county board) agenda for Thursday night.

County Week Ahead

Lots of meetings, but only 10 of theme at 5:30 or after so I'm not sure who has the "luxury" to attend these meetings.

Teamsters Endorse Wineke

Here's another one . . .

GOOD NEWS! No Homeless Person Should Have to Be Outside M, T or...

It should be the case any time of the year, but during this cold snap, extra efforts are being made and everyone should have a place to be warm. As soon as the extreme cold is over, back to having gaps in the "system".

Join the National Call-In Days Against the TPP

Watch for City and County resolutions on this issue as well.

County Week Ahead

13 meetings, 2 agendas missing, 4 meetings before 5:00.

Random Things . . .

So hard to keep up with everything going on, so here's some things on my mind!

Long Overdue Round Up

You're probably wondering why I'm slacking . . . well, I've been sick for the last week. If you go to a...

County Board Statement on the County Budget

What do you get for $655?

TEN Changes to the City Week Ahead

Actually, 11. One cancellation. Yeah, there were only 19 meetings to start with. I think this is a new record . . .

MG&E’s Poor Judgement

I don't know, this sounds like really bad judgement. And the fact they weren't trying to fix the problem is awful. Business interests vs. safety.