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Tony Robinson: Why’d the Insurance Company Settle?

A week before going to trial, the insurance company - a professional risk assessor - found the risk to be too great, approached the family and settled for $3.35M. They apparently also asked the family to wait to say anything - meanwhile, had the police union, Chief Koval and the Mayor all out there complaining about the settlement, playing the victim and once again blaming the family and their supporters. Question is, what motivated the insurance company to settle? Let's take a look!

State Budget Information Forum

Tonight from 7:30 - 9:30.

Ask the Council to do what Alder Weier Will Not

Sponsor the resolution recommended by the Equal Opportunities Commission!

So . . . Overture Funding Changes . . .

Switching it from the city to Room Tax Commission and cutting the council out of the information loop . . . interesting . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings.

Tonight! Future of Wisconsin Public Schools?

Experts to Discuss the Future of Public Schools in Wisconsin at Middleton Performing Arts Center Sept. 5 Wisconsin State Senators Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, and Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, are among the handful of presenters who will participate in “How Many Kids Left Behind? – An Interactive Community Conversation on the Future of Our Public Schools” at the Middleton Performing Arts Center, 2100 Bristol St., on Thursday, Sept. 5.

Council Recap (Part I), Sans Zoning Code Rewrite

Well, I got done what I could, I was triple booked last night. This includes the discussion on the hijacking of the Madison Metro bus for the Republican Senators . . . so enjoy! Part II and III may appear later this week if I have time!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting Monday, October 30 6:00 p.m. Regular Board of Education Meeting (Open Session) Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703...

Common Council Recap

No time to go back and grab the pieces I missed, but you can watch the video here if its really important to you. Otherwise, I got most of it.

County Board Opening: Supervisor Wuest Resigns


Willy Street, The 1970’s & Art

Learn how the Willy St. Fair started, what role art played in the development of Willy St and much more.

WORT Needs Help from Cooks!

For all of you who have that special recipe . . . this is your chance to be in a cookbook!