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There Just Isn’t Enough Outrage for What Republicans are Doing to Our State

On Friday, when most people weren't paying attention . . . students were the latest victims. Why?

City Week Ahead

Short week, 11 meetings. Except I know there are some missing. CDBG won't publish their agenda because they are waiting to brief the Mayor about who is getting the grant for Homeless Coordinated Intake Services. That meting will be on Thursday at 5:00. Ooops, that's next week, got ahead of myself.

City to Address Heightened Concern about Property Left Behind After Boston Bombing . ....

When the City finds property they don't want to follow the state law, so they are trying to weaken it and they have the most bizarre explanation about what they are doing. We all know this is about homeless persons property.

Madison’s Budget Input

Have you taken the time yet to give your elected officials your input about the City of Madison Budget? You don't even have to go to a meeting, you can do it on-line.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Potentially nothing. No alders have separated any items for discussion - however, public hearing items or items the public shows up to speak on might be discussed.

Alcohol Bans in Parks – Where and when

The other day I was talking to one of my homeless friends that that lives on the street and he told me that the police told him to drink in Law Park, and I thought that was strange and told him I was going to look that up and let him know what the law said, because I thought it was banned there (and I voted against it). Then I noticed that Clausius and Ahrens were banning alcohol in Mayfair and Sherry (O.B.) Park. So, here's the info, which parks can you drink in, when and where and how

Council Agenda for This Evening

Still catching up from yesterday morning . . .

County Week Ahead (Updated/Finished)

25 meetings. . .

City Week Ahead

26 meetings so far this week . . .

Bizarro E-mail?!

Wow. Occupy has been camping in the parks for quite some time (a year), but I've never seen anything like this . . . the campers I talked to had no idea what this is about . . . and I'm kinda creeped out by it.

Assembly Votes Today To Destroy Tenant Rights

At 5am this morning, I found out about 9 amendments to AB183 that the Assembly will be voting on today at 1:00 or at some time after that. Guess I better quick figure out what these amendments do . . . .

Others Weigh in on Privatization of Schools.

It's not just me pointing out that the republicans, led by Scott Walker, want to privatize(and profit from) public education. Let's take...