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Focused Deterrence? Does Madison Need it?

I got this notice about a meeting about public safety and set it aside for further review and never got to it, but luckily, someone else did. So, here's a quick overview.

August Lull City Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings? So far . . . check back with the weekly schedule, as it is certain to not be complete on Monday morning!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yay! Tho I suppose I shouldn't say anything because if I'm for it, that means others will be automatically against and be obstructionists for the sake of being obstructionists.

City Week Ahead

Budget meeting tonight and possibly tomorrow night.

Board of Estimates Recap

Police overtime, but not Overture . . . and an interesting discussion about pesticides, green roofs, downtown multi-modal transportation plan and the sustainability plan. More cheers for Paul Soglin! Love this guy! [with bk comments]

Homeless Sleeping at the CCB Rundown

So, last Monday there was another run at pushing the homeless who sleep at the city-county building away. The City-County Liaison Committee has a proposal for "Repositioning Trespassing Signs to Apply to the Terrace of the East Entrance (MLK, Jr. Blvd Doors) of the City County Building" - no further explanation. Here's what happened.

Stop Singling out Brandi!

There is a tactic that people use when they don't want to talk about the issues at hand. They either talk about the process or they single out an individual and target them to marginalize them. It's nothing but a distraction from the issues. And Brandi Grayson and Leland Pan are the latest targets and I'm sick of it.

Your Guide to Local Government

Coming soon . . . like, in a month! But we need your help!

Soglin = $50,968 Cieslewicz = $19,829

What do the latest campaign finance reports mean? Is Cieslewicz in trouble?

Iron Chef Tonight!

5 - 7 Brink Lounge

Capital Budget Live Blog, of sorts

If I don't live blog it, it won't happen, so this is what you are getting, a lazy live blog of sorts, sorry . . . my job sucks and is sucking it all out of me.

The New York Times on 3D Printing

NY Times: 3D Printing is Spurring a Manufacturing Revolution Moving the technology beyond manufacturing does pose challenges. Customized products, for example, may be more expensive...