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TRC Board Rarely Speaks Out About Legislation

But not this time! AB183 Will Harm Both Tenants and Landlords - Tenant Resource Center Board of Directors Speaks Out in Opposition of Bill Being Voted on Tomorrow

Other Meetings of Interest this Week

A few meetings that aren't on the official roster but of interest . . .

County Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings . . .

City Week Ahead

Here we go . . . the week ahead, as they have told us so far, likely missing meetings.

You Should Go To This Tonight

Ugh, I can't. Board meeting. But you should really go . . ..

Mayor and Council Say Madison Should have Local Control! Don’t ruin our communities!

They are better Republicans than the Republicans in the Assembly . . . could the City be headed to court to challenge Local Control and Uniformity? I wish. I really don't know, but the mayor raises a really, really good issue (read why I love this mayor even tho we don't always agree!). Best quote: Ald. Lauren Cnare "this is about more than being mean to renters, its about ruining neighborhoods"!

Anti-Democracy Full Speed Ahead!

Even if you don't care about the 50+ tenant landlord law changes in AB183 (22 tenants rights at the state level and 25 or more at the local level), you should care about the sham that the Assembly Republicans, Realtors Association and Madison Area Apartment Association are making out of our democracy. Bill passed in 15 days or less?

More About School Choice!

We recently brought you the story of how much money the public school privateers are willing to spend in order to profit off of...

More Complete list of Madison Ordianances in Jeopardy

This list still isn't complete, but its teh list of the Madison ordinances to protect tenants that are at risk due to LRB 1931 or now known as AB183. Hearing tomorrow at 10:00. Public_Notice_5-2-13_Housing_and_Real_Estate

10am Thursday, Hearing on Landlord Bill

Yeah, it doesn't even have a bill number yet!

Common Sense Housing Investment Act! (UPDATED)

Thank Congressman Mark Pocan for being the sixth Congressman to sign on as a co-sponsor.

Tenant’s Rights Attack – 33 more changes!

Late yesterday afternoon we learned of the newest attack on tenant rights. I gotta admit, when the Republicans attack tenants, they do it completely and thoroughly - and the particularly hate Madison, Fitchburg and Dane County tenants. Check out the long list of things they will be changing if successful.