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Long Overdue Round Up (Part One)

I bet you were wondering if I gave up on the Round Up . . . I haven't, just got distracted. I'll be better, I promise.

Board of Estimates Operating Budget Discussion – Madison Metro

Bus fares, bus wraps and empty buses. What's on the council's mind?

City Week Ahead . . .

Hey, looks like we have several agendas in that are usually missing Monday morning . . . interesting! Always remember to check the weekly calendar as there are usually meetings added throughout the week, usually 3 - 8 of them.

Day Center Debacle Continues . . .

6 years later, in summer of 2017 we may have a day center . . . but will it be incomplete? And underfunded? And understaffed? And set up for failure? It appears to be headed that way - but hopefully the city council and county board will step in! Committees throughout the city and county are saying enough is enough, do this right. Again, catching up from vacation, but the Health and Human Needs meeting is tonight (5:30 room 351) and advocates should plan to attend!

Mo’ Meetings . . . City side, of course.

4 added today.

It’s all about the police this week . . .

Wow . . . aside from the mayor and chief feud going on over the budget . . . there is just ALOT going on this week. The city council committee is coming out with their final recommendations on Monday, the council has Chief Koval's fees and the shootings and purchasing a Bearcat on their agenda and Thursday the ad hoc committee is meeting. Nowhere is there a public discussion about the top of State St, however. Take a peek! Then email (allalders@cityofmadison.com and mayor@cityofmadison.com), show up, register, speak up. Now is the time.

City Operating Budget – Part I

This is what the Board of Estimates will be discussing/asking questions about tonight.

County Week Ahead

Only 5 of the 20 meetings before 5:00!

“Proposed” B-Cycle Locations

Um . . . "proposed" but phase one will be done by Sunday. And phase 2 will be done 10 days later.

School District Facilities Input

Great communities need great schools.

City’s Affordable Housing Plan?

Hmmm . . . its been 1 year and 6 months that the current mayor and alders have been in office and what has happened with affordable housing so far . . . here's an even worse plan.

Mo’ Meetings

31 wasn't enough, here's three more, and they're sure to add more yet this week.