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Landmarks: Save As Much of Garver As Possible

A report about Garver Feedmill came out a few weeks ago, the Landmarks Committee has toured the property and they had this to say about it.

City Week Ahead

13 meetings, 6 start before 5:00. Shouldn't be many additions with the new rules, but we'll see.

City Week Ahead

Sorry this is late, our site was down and I couldn't blog! Oh my!

Marquette Neighborhood Meeting on the “Broken” Process

I hope many more neighborhoods are finding time to do this, but the timeline was really short to get feedback. I'd say they should hold the meetings even if they miss the deadline, as the discussion will continue for the next few months.

YGB and Robinson Family Press Conferences

YGB calls on UN to do an independent investigation. Robinson Family says to be fair and just, D.A. Ozanne must indict, and that an independent investigation is needed, that they have received no services and that Tony was shot 7 times. They say the documents released by the MPD were misleading.

Homeless Issue Committe Chair Resigns

I don't blame him, but its a real loss. When good people are forced to walk away to stop contributing to the farce . . well, they make the right decision, but the whole community loses.

Mo’ Meetings (Updated)

Sigh . . . grrrrr . . . ack!!!!! 4 more in the last 12 hours . . .

Joe Parisi Can’t Be Serious!

I haven't seen anything so petty and disgusting and hearless since the days of Dave Cieslewicz

City Week Ahead

New Alders getting edumacated!

School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings!

30% Water Rate Price Hike?

Might want to let the water utility know (today or tonight) what you think about their proposal.

Dane County Human Services Budget Summary

Love the bureaucratese - "All shelter, housing case management, information and referral, and food pantry and clothing distribution services are maintained at their 2015 budgeted levels." Funny, cutting 1/3 of the Tenant Resource Center budget makes it feel like something in that sentence is disingenuous. The "services" realistically can't be "maintained" when it comes to tenants in Dane County outside the City of Madison - what other agency has the knowledge, resources and skills that the Tenant Resource Center has?