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Can you live with a .6 BAC?

Apparently, I spent 5.5 hours last night with someone who did. For months I have been trying to get the person help . . . but nothing has worked.

Things going on Around Town

A little round up of random items you might be interested in . . .

Who got the votes?

Who got the most votes on the council? Some people who lost got more votes than winners in other districts.

A Homeless Bill of Rights

Written by a homeless man I know, not sure what he intended to do with it, but I thought it was worth sharing - its simple and clear.

Deja Vu

Haven't we been here and done that? Erik Minton and Dr. John Bonsett-Veal have a project fro 425 W. Wash . . .

Fact Checking the N. Sherman Critics.

Madison’s Common Council voted to reconfigure N. Sherman Ave from a four-lane to a two-way with a center left turn lane. During the testimony, several issues were raised by opponents, and rehashed later on talk radio that I would like to fact-check for posterity.

Union Corners Update

This is from Marsha Rummel and its actually about a week old, but still good info.

Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Assn. Wishes for 800 E Washington

What do they want to see in a development on this large vacant downtown block?

So Who Won?

How did all those groups that made endorsements do? Who can expect support for their issues on the Council (and elsewhere)?

Election Day Voter’s Guide – Common Council (Finished, For Now)

Brenda's picks, websites, endorsements, election night parties and more . . . for those of you who are going to call or text or email me and ask me what to do, here you go!

April 2nd Election Day

Today is election day and its incredibly important that we show up in force today to VOTE! I Highly recommend: 1. Ed Fallone...

Today’s Question: Do our laws apply to Tim Bruer?

That is the question Michael Basford, the Chair of the Dane County Democratic Party is asking. I have a little different question.