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How Will the County Board Operate for the Next Two Years?

Will they allow us to speak on budget night? They should. They might, if you tell them that is what you want! Your help is needed to make Dane County Government more open, accessible and transparent! Email you county board supervisors today!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

5 meetings on 3 different days!

County Week Ahead

New county board leadership and setting their rules of procedure for the next two years on TUESDAY (not Thursday)- possible exciting changes such as - letting the public testify at their budget meeting! Should be a no-brainer . . .

City Week Ahead

Agendas continue to be messed up, expect changes. Council to elect new all people of color leadership on Tuesday, likely Samba Baldeh for President and Sheri Carter for Vice President.

What will the council talk about tonight?

Public hearings, things people show up for, anything they pull off the agenda at the meeting and the following (Confederate Monuments, planting beds around the square, 2018 Sewer, Stormwater and Landfill Rates, and F-35s):

Homeless Issues Update

There was a jam packed agenda on last night for the Homeless Issues Committee - there was an update on the Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, an update on the Zero Initiative to end chronic and veteran homelessness, an update on the gaps in the system, updates on the Beacon, Messners and so much more. 2.5 hours - you can watch it all here - but I wanted to highlight the section about the gaps and how little progress has been made in the past 6 years.

Beacon Rules!

So, I went to the meeting about the Beacon the other day. Neighbors are upset about police calls, police say its getting better, the Beacon staff did their best to say very little and get people out of there as quickly as possible. During the meeting and on the news they said that they patterned their rules after the library - so what are their rules? Let's take a look.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting

County Week Ahead

Last week, 2 meetings, this week . . . 21. Meetings at such accessible times as 8:15, noon, 2:30, 3:45, 8:15, 9:00, 3:00, 8:00 and 1:00.

City Week Ahead

21 (or 23?) meetings this week that we know of, more will likely get added. Some of them at such popular times at 2pm (parks and open space plan), 11am (Multicultural Affairs), 8am, 12:30, 2:30 (Early Childhood Care and Education), and noon (Surveillance Committee). Who has time to show up at those odd hours?

Mo’ Meetings

Fixing yesterdays mess . . . sort of, its a start.

Don’t Forget to Vote Today

If you haven't already . . . and then there are the election night parties . . .