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Madison School Week Ahead

2 meetings tonight, press conference tomorrow.

County Week Ahead

Only 4 meetings this week. 3 of them at 3pm, 8:15am and noon. None on Monday or Tuesday.

City Week Ahead

Of interest this week: Buckeye/Cottage Grove Rd deal, adopting the Comprehensive Plan?, Government Structure Committee meeting at a normal time for a change (not during the day or a Friday night), 1st meeting of the two new Transportation Committees, tour the Cross Fit Games, Oscar Mayer Open House and more! Meetings at 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 8:30am - who attends these meetings? - most alders at work, many interested public members are too. 20 meetings this week, 4 are notices of possible quorum. 3 meetings in legistar not on clerks agenda, watch for those and others to appear throughout the week.

What Will (or did?) the Common Council Talk about Tonight

I'm posting this just when the council meeting is started . . . forgot it was Tuesday and got caught up in other things!...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Hmmm . . .the legal notice has no content? I could only find two meetings, no clue if this is correct.

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, none today, some at 9am, 12pm, 12:15pm and 12:15pm.

City Week Ahead

19 meetings, 3 others in legistar (1 cancelled, 2 no agendas), 2 meetings cancelled, some at some great times as 9am, 10am, 10am, 2:30pm, 8am, 12:30pm and 10am. Council meets this week as well as the Police Policy Review Committee and they will be picking the alder to replace Mark Clear tonight and finalizing the one to replace Denise DeMarb on Tuesday.

How to get involved with the Konkel for Madison Campaign

I won't be doing much campaigning here, but until people get connected to the campaign and get used to the new contacts and social media I may post a few things here. Here's all the contact information and how to get involved.

Recommendations made tonight to fill Denise DeMarb’s Position

The Common Council Executive Committee will meet tonight (6pm, Room 354 in city-county building) to choose their recommendation out of the 5 men running to replace Denise DeMarb to represent the 16th district on the City Council.

George Gillis’ Replacement = Huong Nguyen-Hilfiger

This is old news from last week, but I thought I'd share since I'm not sure if people saw it or not, I know I didn't but I was distracted. She was confirmed by the county board, here's the background on the other two candidates and the memo and press release about the appointment.

Changes to City Week Ahead

They just never stop . . . I stopped doing them for a while, but I should probably resume . . . 3 more meetings not on the weekly schedule last Friday, plus the 3rd cancellation I noted in the original post.  The three meetings are scheduled at 8:30am, 1:30 and 1:30.  2 of them not technically 24 hours notice.

Draft Report on Police In Schools

To be discussed Wednesday.