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Madison Schools Week Ahead

School Officer Contract! Tonight - on the consent agenda?

Coworking spaces and hackerspaces

“Coworking Spaces” and “Hackerspaces” are two important ideas that you should know about but very well may not. They’re coming to Madison, so read on to learn more.

D-Day for Public Education

Today is the day that we have been discussing for weeks. Today is the day that the legislature starts discussing public school...

Lynn Green Explains Recommendation to Defund TRC

So, this is Director of Dane County Human Services Lynn Green's explanation of why she recommended defunding the Tenant Resource Center. It's disturbingly inaccurate. I have audio, contracts and other documentation of the details of all this, probably too much detail for some, but due to my obvious conflict of interest in "reporting" this topic, I felt as much back up material as possible was necessary. Obviously, I am biased here - but also, obviously, there are some gross errors in her statements that just can't be denied.

Moving? Protect Your Security Deposit from Carpeting and Painting Charges!

Madison’s “Moving Day“ is this week! Learning the real deal about these common myths can help tenants protect their security deposits and avoid potentially being charged thousands of dollars:

MMSD Continues With Ilegal Meeting, Will Fix Issues Later?

Gloria Reyes tells us why she thinks the school board was meeting, despite staff saying that the reason couldn't be told to the public because that would harm the reputation of those involved. Her statements make the illegal meeting seem even less properly noticed. However, I'm not sure the school board members even knew why they were meeting. TJ Mertz and Nicki Vander Muelen vote not to go into closed session. Dean Loumos and James Howard agree the notice was not appropriate but feel its urgent to meet so ignore the open meetings issues and think it can be fixed later . . . here's the video.

Gassing Geese in Madison?


Did T Wall Cost Joe Clausius the Election?

Ooops, I thought I posted this . . . this is from a few weeks ago I went to the Urban Design Commission Wednesday night for 2 projects and the most interesting one was the one sandwiched in between them.

And the Answer is . . .

The county answers my previously denied open records request, kinda, they gave me the information, but my request is still denied.

(What’s left of the) City Week Ahead

Vacation slowed me down . . . so I can do 80% . . .

Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President,...

County Week Ahead

Meetings at 8:30, noon, 3:45, 1:00, 2:30, etc. Don't seem designed for them to actually be public meetings, do they?