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So, This Happened While I Was on Vacation . . .

ACLU hammers the Madison Police Department for its discriminatory blue-lining practices towards tenants! Wait, what? What does the police department have to do with tenants? Plenty.

Occupy Moving Today

We said we were moving on the 16th of April when we could get in to the campgrounds, and we are . . . 3:00 today. A couple problems, of course . . .

Additional City Meetings this week.

Three were added yesterday.

City Week Ahead

18 meetings, only 4:00 start after 5:30. 8 before 5:00. And more to be added for sure.

Bad Blogger Returns

Working 60 - 70 hours a week and trying to have a life have interfered, so I've been a bit negligent. Here's a few things to get caught up . . . Edgewater noise, changes at family shelter, see the vendors who applied to work on police policy and procedure, late meeting notices, OM Village needs volunteers for hte store and then the surprise temporary plan for the day resource center and Schenk's Corner Block Party this Friday and Saturday!

City-County War on the Homeless Reignited?

Blogging this morning from the floor of the city-county building, the scene of yesterday's ridiculousness. There are two guys on the steps watching the stuff...
daily round up

Thursday/Friday Daily Round Up 9/24 & 25

The Friday Round Up is always the largest one of the week, lots of city updates on Fridays.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/25/24

Also less meetings this week at the county, but enough to be interested in!

Wall Street Occupation Coming to Madison

Tomorrow (Friday). Reynolds Park. Starting: When people show up. Those who live in the downtown area have probably already seen the chalkings. For those who...

Catching Up on Judge Doyle Square

Ok, I've been slacking, so while I'm catching up on everything, I thought I'd fill you in!

Random Round Up

Marquette Chili Dinner, Wisconsin Budget Debacle, Free Fair Housing Training, MG&E Community Energy Conversations, Central Park - First Year Review, East High Girls Soccer to be at Breese Stevens Field, Make Music Madison, Warner Park Ash Tree Removal and Metro On Board Survey.

Where Should the Homeless Go?

Madison still wants to know! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you?