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City of Madison Redistricting

Maps, polling places, process and just about everything you probably want to know . . .

Next Steps on Overture

I hope alders are paying attention, they got less than 48 hours notice of how it will be and what their homework is.

And the plot thickens . . .

Turns out . . . City Attorney Michael May has a little more explaining to do . . . there are more holes in his justification for having to pay Police Chief Michael Koval's legal fees than I realized when I posted yesterday! Two major pieces of info to add . . . h/t to Greg Gelembiuk!

County Board Recap

County Board meeting and hearing on redistricting, in less than 45 minutes.

Blaska’s Baffoonery

From yesterday's post, two items. Taxicabs and RTA.

Only Public Hearing on County Budget at full County Board Tonight

This is the only chance to have public comment in front of the full board now that the County Executive Budget is out. It's hard to tell what we're commenting on, some committees have amendments out, some don't, but if you have opinions, now is the time!

Catching Up with the Task Force on Government Structure

I video recorded the last meetings of the Task Force on Government Structure and their two subcommittees on Boards Committees and Commission and the subcommittee on the Common Council. Both subcommittees reported back to the main committee and have written reports on their identification of which issues they think should be looked at and what alternatives they might have. So I've included those reports as well. The subcommittees meet again today and tomorrow to continue their work.

Week 9 Homeless Day Center Update

Things going so much better than last year. Why? Staff attitude! Which created better attitudes all around. Oh, and check out the blog!

It’s FRIDAY! Round Up

Another week gone . . . chilly weather on the way . . . October is here.

Organics – City Program to Collect Food Waste, Etc.

Week three of the pilot program.

Rick Marolt: Why Scott Walker Should Be Recalled

Guest editorial . . .

Death to Living Wages?!

Ah, yeah, more ALEC bullshit attacks on the eve of the 3rd, yes third, anniversary of the uprising. 10AM this morning. Compliments of Sen. Glenn Grothman and Rep. Kapenga.