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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Sue Pastor: Development at all costs . . .

and to hell with democracy and wetlands.

Dane Dems Mayoral Forum

And the other three, all in one post.

County Week Ahead

8 meetings, 1 cancelled, 1 agenda not available, so here's the info I have on the 6 meetings.

Beacon Rules!

So, I went to the meeting about the Beacon the other day. Neighbors are upset about police calls, police say its getting better, the Beacon staff did their best to say very little and get people out of there as quickly as possible. During the meeting and on the news they said that they patterned their rules after the library - so what are their rules? Let's take a look.

Here’s Your New City Council!

We now have 4 people of color on the council, two incumbents are unseated and we have 7 new members of the council!

Homeless Issue Committe Chair Resigns

I don't blame him, but its a real loss. When good people are forced to walk away to stop contributing to the farce . . well, they make the right decision, but the whole community loses.

Why is a Tent in the Cold Better than the Shelter?

During some down time between meetings yesterday, I asked folks to tell me what they didn't like about staying in shelter and why a tent in the cold is better. Here is what they had to say . . .

Weekly Updates to Weekly Schedule that Isn’t a Weekly Schedule

8 more meetings added since Monday morning . . . have to contact the city webmaster and ask her to change the name to "allegedly weekly schedule".

City Council Recap (Some portions are VERY brief) – Part I

It's crowded - meeting starts off with President Mike Verveer telling people there is an overflow room for tonight and that there are interpreters here as well.

Useless City Weekly Schedule

Sorry my "week ahead" has kinda sucked and been incomplete lately, but if I have incomplete info, it seems sort of less of a priority and misleading. Check out all the additional meetings scheduled after the Weekly Schedule came out

What (some) Madison Police Officers Think of Madison Residents

It ain't good. Includes words like "go fuck yourselves", "assbags" and "glory-holing nincompoops" . . . yes, some of Madison's finest, Dean Baldukas and Scott McConnell. These guys are out on the streets and may answer when you call. Be warned.

City Week Ahead

Of interest this week: Buckeye/Cottage Grove Rd deal, adopting the Comprehensive Plan?, Government Structure Committee meeting at a normal time for a change (not during the day or a Friday night), 1st meeting of the two new Transportation Committees, tour the Cross Fit Games, Oscar Mayer Open House and more! Meetings at 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 8:30am - who attends these meetings? - most alders at work, many interested public members are too. 20 meetings this week, 4 are notices of possible quorum. 3 meetings in legistar not on clerks agenda, watch for those and others to appear throughout the week.