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School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings tonight, 1 Wednesday and a candidate forum on Wednesday.

Parisi Continues Putting His Staff Together

Dane County Executive-Elect Parisi Names New Communications Director/Executive Assistant Joshua Wescott is his Chief of Staff, his campaign manager is now his media person. Casey Slaughter...

Chief actually informing public in advance of Forums!

Nice change of pace . . .

County Board Will Address Occupy/Homelessness Too!

Thanking Occupy and creating the same committee the city did . . . despite council concerns that they wouldn't. They can't really fix what the council did, since they don't control the land that Occupy is on, but they're doing what they can.

TRC Silent Auction Items

People were pretty excited about a few of these things last night! Here's the catalog . . . and things are still rolling in . . . so there will be even more tonight!

32 of Wisconsin’s 56 Black Neighborhoods Are Jails?

Well, this is disturbing, not surprising if you think about it, but disturbing none-the-less.

Video from Day 5 and 6

And more coming!

Capital Budget Part two . . . Edgewater gets $3.3M, not $16M.

Sorry, see part one, technical issues . . . missed a bunch of amendment 11, but will pick it back up now.

Neighborhood Meeting on the Rushed Through Project

I haven't gotten any notifications from my alder about this (go figure), but the neighborhood association has now sent me two notices. Of course, its not my neighborhood association, they are just good neighbors.

Big Surprise.

Not. Who didn't see this coming. After further consultation with the public, yeah, sure. Which Monona Terrace Station do you want is not much of a choice.

Show me what democracy looks like….

PLEASE!!! Here in cottage grove, we found out last night, that we have a royal family and no one is allowed in...

SJC Makeover! Come Celebrate!

sjc Photo by Tim Poehlmann-Tynan