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Answering Bridget’s Question

Why can't homeless get services?

The Late (City) Week Ahead (In Progress)

Slowly catching up on everything . . . very . . . slowly . . .

County Meetings? How do they Compare?

Number of meetings added since Monday morning? Daytime meetings?

Common Council Recap (Live-ish)

You'll have to cut me some extra slack, I"m rusty, its been a while . . . .

Holy Mother of all Board of Estimates Meetings!

Something for everyone on here. I'll do a quick recap of the issues so you can see how much is going on at the city . . . with not many paying attention. Sadly, when you look at where our money is going, and the time, effort and energy of the staff, elected officials and others - its to accommodate developers. Not so much on equity and poverty. Here's a snap shot of why, and why the budget is so important to changing our ways.

Who’s spending hours every week with developers and lobbyists

Wow. Some of these numbers are a little disturbing. And find out what alders would rather be doing.

Hey, Why Didn’t My County Board Supervisor Get Any Committee Appointments!?!

Because for a change, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi is being transparent . . . In addition to Heidi Wegleitner, John Hendrick didn't get any either. Oddly Jeremy Levin and Jeff Pertl didn't either. Neither did Robin Schmidt or Mike Willett. How'd your supervisor do?

In Defense of the Council

I find the Mayor's comments about the Council Overture discussion absolutely offensive. I am not a big fan of this council for many reasons, but this media campaign to blame them is just unfair and dishonest.

Official County Update on the Day Resource Center

And mark your calendar for several upcoming meetings!

Moving? Protect Your Security Deposit from Carpeting and Painting Charges!

Madison’s “Moving Day“ is this week! Learning the real deal about these common myths can help tenants protect their security deposits and avoid potentially being charged thousands of dollars:

County Week Ahead

I still can't find a budget schedule for them . . . has anyone seen one?

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Tomorrow

Planning the next steps . . . and where to begin . . .