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Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings, 2 today - Police in Schools in Wednesday.

County Week Ahead

Wow, hard to find a meeting that is not during the day this week. 13 meetings at such accessible times as 10am, 2pm, 3pm, 8:30am, 9am, 3:45pm and 9 am.

City Week Ahead

21 meetings, 2 cancelled, 2 in legistar with no agendas and some are at such exciting times as 3:00pm, 12:15 pm, 11:30am, and Friday at 6pm - two of those meetings are about government structure. Ahem, I have a suggestion.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight? (Updated)

The following . . . and anything that people show up to talk about . . .

County Week Ahead

15 meetings with meetings at such lovely times as 3:45, 7am, 1pm, 3pm, 9am, 1pm. Convenient for the public and county board supervisors with day jobs

City Week Ahead

30 meetings this week, 13 of them are on Wednesday. Some are at such lovely times as 11am, 10am, 11am, 1:30, 3:30, 8am and 12:30. I'm guessing they don't intend for the public (or alder with day jobs) to actually attend.

County Week Ahead

Only two meetings, both Monday, 1 cancelled.

City Week Ahead

3 of the 11 meetings this week are cancelled, so only 8 meetings

Another City Council Alder Resigns

Another vacancy starting August 8th, no election. Will be appointed by the council.

“The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.”

I finally watched "The Post" recently and this quote from the Supreme Court Ruling allowing the Post (and others) to publish the leaked Pentagon...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings, the one in closed session you can tell what it's about! School board will be passing its preliminary budget that came out on Friday in its final form.

County Week Ahead

15 meetings this week, only 3 before 4pm? Wow.