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Rally Against MG&E, Noon Today

Their new billing scheme they are proposing is ridiculous, it discourages energy conservation and rewards large businesses - no surprises there, its business as usual, leaving the "little guy" out in the cold, perhaps literally.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings this week (that we know of)

Will Scott Walker Choose Superhighway Socialism?

Scott Walker will be delivering his third State of the State address tonight at 7pm. Infrastructure is among the five priorities he has been...

City Week Ahead

Looks very light . . . expect lots of changes.

Soglin has gone nuts

He wants to bus the homeless out our of Madison. Seriously. Demonstration today at noon.

Kelly Albrecht in the 63rd!

If you read Forwardlookout, you know that we have a serious problem in Madison and elsewhere taking care of the needy. You also...

The Problem with George Austin & the Public Market Square

Has nothing to do with George Austin . . . per se.

City Week Ahead

It's a week where if you care about city government and attend meetings you'll have to be in three places at once, especially tonight.

New Rule – part 2.

This should be a given, but here goes. New Rule - Staff from really bad politicians make really bad politicians! While there are...

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools

$30M for this?

Hmmm, is this worth $30M? If it is, could we have $2M for a homeless day shelter, please.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

All the alders pulled off was Steve King wanting to discuss ending the Commmunity Gardens Committee, but you know there is a whole lot more on the agenda. They will pass nearly everything in one vote . . . unless the public shows up to speak or an alder pulls another item off a the meeting. Otherwise, they will pass major legislation without discussion . . . until budget season next year, then they will complain they never discussion anything. Gee, why might that be?