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People’s Affordable Housing Vision Round Up

In terms of getting press for something you care about, I can't think of a worse thing to happen to a press conference, than for the County Executive to announce her surprise resignation an hour before your press conference.

Following Up on Alder Candidate Reporting

So, I thought I should follow up since there were some errors on the clerk's website when I originally posted on the alder candidate...

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Not much . . . unless the go into the committee of the whole and talk about the operating budget . . . but they didn't put that off the agenda for discussion. ?!

Resolution the City Attorney Doesn’t Want You to See!

Or the council to have a chance to vote on. Someone tell me what the legal risk is here?

County Week Ahead

1:30?, 9:00?, 11:30? noon?, 11:30?, 3:00? Are these times you have available during the week to participate in your local government processes? By the time things get to the county board, its too late.

District 10: Candidates Top Issues

District 10 stretches from the near west side (Regent St) to Allied Drive. Nelson Donovan and Tom Farley are challenging Brian Solomon.ddddd

About those City Budget Conversations . . .

They seem really poorly attended this year, which just means if you have a special issue, you'll get all the more attention!

Official County Update on the Day Resource Center

And mark your calendar for several upcoming meetings!

2nd CD Fail

Today the Wisconsin Democrats from the 2nd CD held their annual convention where they elected a new CD chair. Congratulation go out to...

What passed the Council Regarding Occupy

I hope this is right, I think it is . . .

Help Occupy Madison Achieve our Dream

site picture

This Might Be the City Week Ahead

What it looks like as of this morning, as always, watch for adds to the weekly schedule, cuz there are always meetings they add throughout the week.