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Madison Schools Week Ahead (UPDATED!!!)

2 meetings.

What Emails Didn’t the Alders Get?

141 of them total plus 33 web contacts . . . here's the topics that were included . . . check to see if you email didn't get through and think about re-sending (if its not too late)

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings.

Ooops, Major Screw Up in Tenant/landlord Legislation

I've been frantically trying to figure this all out this weekend . . . what do the new laws really mean, what are the arguments that tenants and landlords should make while going to small claims court, but I didn't even think of this one since I'm focused on residential . . . check this out!

Fruits and Nuts Victorious! (In Progress)

Yup, the Parks Commission agreed to the Memorandum of Understanding that does not require a lease or insurance that would have been prohibitive.

City Week Ahead

Some of the usual suspects that turn their agendas in late got in on time this week . . . interesting. It can be done! Now if we could just get handouts and links to hand outs in advance of the meetings.

Buses, RTA and Irony.

So precious.

Latest “Update” on Judge Doyle Square/Exact Sciences

Board of Estimates had a special meeting yesterday to get an "update" on Judge Doyle Square. They give us very little information in public . . . then go into closed session. Who knows what they are talking about in all these closed session meetings (every Board of Estimates meeting has gone into closed session on this matter), but I guess we'll find out when they finally ram this thing down the public's throat, with little public input and about 3 days notice of the final "deal" they have worked out.

City Council Recap (as is . . . )

No editing . . . please be forgiving! :)

I’m feeling the Council was Lied to

Something isn't adding up. And I think the homeless people at Occupy are the victims of a some cruel games that were played at the council meeting the other night.

More Changes to the City Week Ahead

Sigh . . .

One Year Stronger, City Week Ahead

I got the whole thing this week . . . sorry about last week.