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Zach Madden: Permissible Pollution

Construction is a license to pollute. Here's Zach's summary of the 6/17/13 Committee on the Environment meeting. Thanks Zach!

What is wrong with this city?

I was born here, lived in 6 other cities until I was an adult, then I moved back to Madison. I've served for 8 years in our local government, rented for 7 years, owned two different homes here, and have been here nearly 30 years, this is my home. But I don't recognize my city any more.

City Week Ahead

The majority of this is the council meeting on Tuesday night, lots of stuff going on. 20 other meetings, only 7 start after 5:00. It seems to be getting worse. On Wednesday there are meetings at 8:30, 10, 11, 12, 4 and 4:30.

Progressive Dane, Not Dead Yet.

Not taking over the world either. Just doing what we do. Progressive Dane announces endorsed candidates for 2011 spring elections.

Tuesday dose of Additional Meetings

Apparently, its too hard to get this information to the clerk's office by Friday . . . grrrr . . . the usual suspects. Everyone else seems able to notice their meetings on time, more or less. 5 more meetings out of 18 means that they only published 72% of the schedule on Friday.

Mo’ Meetings

Sigh, I wish a weekly schedule was, you know, a weekly schedule, but its always a partial weekly schedule. Here's 4 additions.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Bail!

Yes, everything! And you get to find out tonight!

Not the Holidays yet City Week Ahead

A full week of committee meetings.

What Might Be the City Week Ahead

Guaranteed to be wrong, watch for added meetings throughout the week with very little notice.

What is wrong with people?

Who planned this?! Are they completely unaware of what happens on August 15th every year? And yet connected to the University? Seriously peop0le.

Extra Meetings added for this week.

Two of them are tomorrow. Cutting it close.

What is going on in Fitchburg?

That mayor's race thing has gotten just goofy. So many red flags. I hope Fitchburg does the right thing!