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Council Overture Discussion Live Blog Part I

. . . to the best of my ability. My "c" on my keyboard is a little finicky so be kind to my typing skills.

Affordable Housing for the Isthmus!

Here is a joint (draft) statement from Greater Williamson Street Area Business Association, Common Wealth, Marquette Neighborhood Association, A Place to Be and Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association representatives to promote affordable housing options on the Isthmus. It's still being worked on, but its a start!

High Speed Rail Updates

This is the updated timeline for the High Speed Rail Train Station and a few tidbits from the council presentation on Tuesday.

Wanna buy a house in a park?

We got three and they're about to be up for grabs! In yet another abnormal process. Seems as tho abnormal is now the normal.

Cathy Dethmers And “Just Say Ho!”

There's just no right way to say that, sorry Cathy! Check out my interview with Cathy Dethmers from the High Noon Saloon talkin' about 16 Years in the Madison Music Scene, along with what's going on at WYOU this week! WYOU's Rockin!

Occupy Madison Events – The Final Countdown?

Party Saturday, clean up this weekend, rally and march Monday and . . . stay tuned.

Months later . . .

The Mayor's office staff writes a really good letter about admittance polices in the downtown bars . . . which are not necessarily limited to downtown any more

Legal Obstacles to County Board Exercising It’s Authority.

The most offensive thing about this memo is that it was written 5 days before the meeting, yet not shared with the public or the lead sponsor. With staff like this . . . who needs political enemies.

‘Mo Meetings! (City)

Added since Monday morning. I'm pretty sure the equity report wanted us to make government more accessible, maybe we should start with the committees that are primarily charged with activities around equity? 3 of the 4 new meetings do.

What would an Equity Impact Statement Tell Us?

Or what should it tell us? The council is working on a resolution to declare their intent to . . . do something that sounds good, but what is it?

What Council Thinks They will Discuss tonight

Here's the items the council members want to discuss. The public may add items to the list by showing up and speaking and then the council may or may not discuss.

Two More Demolitions & A New Preservation Planner

You know, none of these have been too controversial and they seem to be growing day by day . . . interesting, eh? Oh, and old news about the new preservation planner.