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City Council Budget Amendments for Tuesday . . .

Here's what they're looking at! They have meetings scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday if need be. I'm guessing they get er done in 1 night. (Sorry if I just jinxed them!)

Capital Budget Votes at Board of Estimates

Live-ish blog, done in pieces and parts off the video . . . not as thorough as possible due to time . . . need more time in my day . . .

City Week Ahead

Judge Doyle Square and budget season.

Lawful Order = Accountability

Chief Koval has another memo about the Council's report on changes needed in the police department. He seemingly says he'll do everything they want, but he wants them to change the language so it isn't a "lawful order". I sure hope they don't. They're voting tonight, email them if you have thoughts (allalders@cityofmadison.com).

Watch this.

907 homeless kids in our schools. 16 sleeping in their cars.

Think Globally but Pay Attention Locally…

The Village of Cottage Grove meeting this week was very telling of four members of the board. This item: e. Ad Hoc...

County Week Ahead

Here you go! Again, sorry I was so slow this morning!

Mayor’s State of the City Address

For those of you who are not members of the Rotary or invited by one of them . . .

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

80 Degrees Today? Round Up

First day of fall . . . 80 degrees! Must be too hot for the news . . . so I'll make my own.

Vote! Today!

Polls open at 7am, close at 8pm, you have plenty of time . . . its a partisan primary, so you have to choose which party you are voting for and only vote for that party's ballot - you can't vote for a few of each.

Mayor Proposes Citizen Task Force on Government Structure

The mayor and I are a lot alike in some regards. Good idea Mayor.