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AHAA Endorsement: District 13

Incumbent didn't answer the questions, very frustrating - I guess Sue Ellingson doesn't think we have housing issues in this city?

TRC’s Iron Chef Event Tonight!

No tickets needed, donate at the door ($25 suggested, but give according to your means!) It's the biggest competition we've done yet!!

County Week Ahead

16 meetings, 4 cancelled, meetings at inaccessible times like 2:30, 3:45, 7am, 8:15am, 9am and 3 pm.  Routine week, initial borrowing resolution includes $20M...

City Week Ahead

At least part of it. If you work til 5:00, you'll make it to 3 of 18 meetings in time for public comments for items not on the agenda.

City Purchasing Leaning Toward Less Bidding for City Purchases?

In the city language they use "sole source" purchases when they want to avoid a bidding process. This used to be highly unique . . . but it seems to be becoming less and less unique. So, a blog about sweetheart deals in honor of Valentines Day. Where does this slippery slope end?

Say Good-bye to the Trees

Next time you drive down Gorham or Johnson you might be in for a surprise!

The Madison City Clerk’s Office is hiring poll workers!

From the clerks office . . .

Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

City Week Ahead

13 of 18 (72%) meetings at 5:00 or below, making it difficult for working people, who don't happen too be paid lobbyists, to attend or give input.

Wednesday Morning “Not Much News” Round Up

Holiday week . . . so, this post is weak. GENERAL NEW DOWNTOWN BED AND BREAKFAST I'm so glad someone is doing something with this house! ...

Wisconsin Republicans Planning to Secure Road Funding, Destabilize Transit Funding.

An e-mail sent out by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association reports strong rumblings that either the Governor or the Legislature will try to...

Council Reform?

Email to all alders, FAQs and press release.