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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Week Ahead

20 meetings! About half are before 5:00 and about half are after. Which ones do they want to make sure the public doesn't show up to?

What will the council talk about tonight?

Anything the public shows up and registers to speak on, plus everything listed below and anything any alders choose to pull of the agenda at the meeting.

Homeless Issues Committee Paralyzed

The unending flood of issues that people keep bringing to the Homeless Issues Committee is going to continue to paralyze the committee and prevent them from getting anything done unless something is done to address issues in our shelter system.

City Week Ahead

Short week. 8 meetings. Betcha they will still add a few more next week . . . sigh . . .

Dead Trees

Happy, happy. Joy, joy. The city will pick up your tens of thousands of dead trees . . .

The Case Against Body Cameras

In less than 3 minutes! Board of Estimates will be discussing this item tonight. The Case Against Body Cameras in less than 3 minutes When...

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part II)

Questions of Chief Wray and some comments from the council members. And people ask to be added as sponsors.

County Week Ahead – RTA and County Board

RTA meets this week . . . and County Board.

Meet Randy Hopper

While you have been able to get the latest news on Randy Hopper right here at this humble little blog, there are a...

What a Goofy Press Release

"Click it or Ticket" is about what?

Gassing Geese in Madison?


Someone has got to say it

It's so obvious. So, I'll be the bad guy, again.