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County Week Ahead

20+ meetings again . . .

County Week Ahead

5 meetings, all at 5:15 or after! A+!

Well, this is awkward . . .

After the mayor's recent tirade against the "drifter" homeless people (psssst, men all ran out of shelter time at the end of March, that is why you are seeing more "new" people) its a little hard to launch a campaign to find landlords willing to rent to veteran's for the MAYOR'S ZERO:16 campaign. Here's the press release planned for today, Registry Week starts Saturday and there is a Tuesday 10 am press conference next week with the Mayor and County Executive Joe Parisi to help recruit landlords to the cause. This is seriously screwed up. Sigh . . .

Veto Rescinded. Reconsideration Instead.

Must have been some deal made behind the scenes. Here's what I know about the almost mayoral veto.

City Week Ahead

Committee on Again, Community Services Committee and Long Range Transportation Committee are cancelled this week. Of the 14 remaining meetings - 8 of them start before 5:00. Spring break and 4th week of the month so light week.

Human Services Board requests $10M per year for Affrdable Housing

Double down on the mayor's efforts!

Hey, Why Didn’t My County Board Supervisor Get Any Committee Appointments!?!

Because for a change, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi is being transparent . . . In addition to Heidi Wegleitner, John Hendrick didn't get any either. Oddly Jeremy Levin and Jeff Pertl didn't either. Neither did Robin Schmidt or Mike Willett. How'd your supervisor do?

Neighborhood Remarks in Response to OM Tiny House Village

I'm skipping my presentation and the information from Zoning and Public Health for now, subject of another post. The important part is the bizarre remarks from the police department - also going to be the subject of another post - and what the neighbors had to say.

Want to Learn to Make Your Own Video?

Camera and editing classes this month as well as July and August!

Board of Estimates Recap

Brief, less than an hour meeting. Here is my recap on sole source contracting issues and Ann St. property.

Long Overdue Round Up, Part II

Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...

City Week Ahead

24 meetings, 2 agendas missing.