Home Media Page 223


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Snow, no snow emergency

Again, downtown, don't plan on getting our streets plowed to the curb . . . making the streets narrower and parking options less.

Board of Estimates Recap

Annoyed blogger.

Media, Where Art Thou?

Why do you cover the mayor's outrageous statements and NOT the actual news - the fact that two committees have unanimously voted down his crazy bench ordinance?

Talkin’ Taxes

3 Polish guys named Dave (hey, the Mayor said it, not me) and the tiff between the City and County on quarterly tax payments for the City of Madison and the E word. Talking to Lucy Mathiak about the Schools and the Edgewater TIF.

Easy to Fix Important Issue for the “Home Challenged”

A friend who stayed at Occupy and now has no safe place to stay sent this in an email to a bunch of us yesterday . . . an issue you may have heard me talk about before and likely cost me my election in 2009, but its real. Listen to what he has to say . . .

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

This notice went out yesterday, can you count the things that are wrong with it?


Sorry - light blogging week - busy with work. SB179 is currently kicking my ass. Nothing but work - tons of blogging...

Stunning Disrespect for a Neighborhood

It just gets worse and worse. Check this out - Alder Maniaci's last minute proposal for the James Madison Park Neighborhood was sent to EVERYONE, except the neighborhood.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings, 3 of them are tonight!

This Isn’t Really the City Week Ahead

It's the information I have now, but it will change, there are meetings missing because they won't get noticed until later in the week.

What will the Council talk about tonight?

Looks like 3 items, plus anything the public shows up to speak to or public hearing items.

Johnson St. Moving Tips

From Alder Zellers. Some extra challenges his year! When they did Gorham St. we worked really heard to have them done by August 14th, but Johnson had a few more complications.