Home Media Page 224


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County Board Leadership

Boring in comparison . . . but equally disturbing as they just work out everything behind the scenes. And voted not to allow people to speak a second time when a committee considers an item if they spoke the first time, even if the item (like the budget) has changed. The big issue is that we take up too much time. Annoying public, just let them do their work and stop bothering them.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 press conference at noon today, 1 meeting tonight.

Mayor Holds A Budget Listening Session

News doesn't report it, does anyone even know it happened.

Holidays Round Up

Ok, enough slacking, back to work!

Bus Fare Increase Hearing Tonight

This is the real hearing, the one that matters, since the Transit and Parking Commission is the one that makes these decisions unless it is appealed to the council.

Sing! For Martin Luther King!

Sorry, that was a little cheesy.

What did they do to the Weekly Meeting Schedule!?!

Well, this is good . . . I think. Yesterday I started getting all these weird emails . . . now I see why . . .

City Week Ahead

Completed! Sorry about last week - I taught a seminar, attended one and took a day off an there just wasn't enough time in the week!

Mayor’s Office Sucks at Communications

And then makes it your fault. A case in point, last night.

City Attorney Memo on Homelessness as a Protected Class

Hmmm, what do you know, no concerns about staff time, and well, no real concerns . . . should have know that the concerns were coming from the police department . . . . and their number one advocate Paul Skidmore. Sorry guys. Nothing to see here.

Bizarro E-mail?!

Wow. Occupy has been camping in the parks for quite some time (a year), but I've never seen anything like this . . . the campers I talked to had no idea what this is about . . . and I'm kinda creeped out by it.

$25 State Bike Fee Possible

A followup question from Rep. Nygren to the DOT about raising fees on bicyclists has been answered in a recent Legislative Fiscal Bureau Paper...