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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Redistricting Update

They will also be having public hearings in May. Updates thanks to Melissa Sargent.

United Way: Hates the Tenant Resource Center

Yesterday, we finally got to see the scores, but not the full detail, of the RFP were Tenant Resource Center lost their funding. And any tiny morsel of faith I had left in the process was destroyed. How is this a fair process? Ask your elected officials!

City Week Ahead

18 meetings, 7 on Monday, and meetings scheduled at such public friendly times as 11:00, 1:30, 2:30 and 1:00. 4 meetings are missing if you only look at the "official" city meeting schedule. If you want to know when the meetings are you have to look at the official schedule, in legistar and to be safe, the wall outside the clerks office . . .

Oregon Progessives County Executive Debate . . .

I can't believe I forgot to post this, its been playing on WYOU for the past week . . . doh!

Pahl Tire (another) Hotel Development

When is a 10 story building not a 10 story building. . . you figure it out. 202 e wash

City Week Ahead

25 meetings . . . that we currently know of . . .

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Complete! Sign on!

The Inclusionary Zoning law went away about a year and a half ago, a committee was formed, they were told to solve the problem without money and they have talked and talked and talked and talked and nothing has happened, cuz, how can it, without money? Now more than ever, we need a concerted grass roots effort to make sure our local government is doing more to expand housing opportunities for everyone in our community.

Education – Must Read

H/T Heather @ Monologues of Dissent! As our children go back to school and you meet with the teachers, administrators and classmates, tour...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Two meetings today - in just a few hours . . .


We've been working on updating the community calendar we have, and you will start to see events there again. If you have events...

Chief Erwin Has To Go!

New Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin has really put his stamp on the new job since taking over from Charles Tubbs. Unfortunately for the...

Vang Appeal: Public Testimony

(Don't worry the video is only 30ish minutes, not 2 hours!) I feel privileged to be working with Mr. Vang, who says all the things I thought Madison believed in . . . and yet we can't seem to get right. And he acts on it. More moving testimony from Mr. Vang. Hope to see you at the Zoning Board of Appeals at 5:00.