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2019 Spring Candidates with Campaign Information

Here's your final Mayor, City of Madison Alders and School Board candidates with their websites, facebook, twitter, instagram, emails, etc.  I'll update these as...

Horror Film Festival/WYOU Fundraiser

Hey, this isn't exactly my thing (but I have some freaky friends/boyfriend who think this is fun), but that is the beauty of WYOU . . . there's something for everyone!

Foreclosure Victory!

So many people in foreclosure don't know what to do, this story is inspiring, because it is a story of victory!

15 Capital Budget Amendments

Its been so quiet, I"m surprised there are this many amendments. Is anyone paying attention? Board of Estimates will be discussing tonight.

Amelia Royko Maurer: D.A. Ismael Ozanne chose Mother’s Day to give notice to...

This past Sunday, District Attorney Ismael Ozanne gave notice that he will be reporting his decision on the officer-involved killing of Tony “Terrell” Robinson Jr. in 48 hours which lands on Tuesday, May 12th. He had promised to give the family and the public 48 hours notice.

Why so Many Candidates for Council?

Because they think they can do better? I kinda had to laugh about the reasons current council members are suggesting about why there are so...

Carpet Bomb Homeless People at the Top of State Street?

Give them laced heroin? Fill sprinklers with pepper spray and turn them on? What else did the police suggest as strategies to get homeless people off the top of State St.? And remind me, what did that police code of conduct say?

Yard Sign Wars!

Since people are thinking about elections today (If you're not, you should be! Don't forget to vote!) I thought I'd post some information about when and where a tenant and when a landlord can post yard signs.

Are you kidding….follow up

I wanted to follow up to this post. Where some anti-education individuals from Cottage Grove complained that a note was sent...

Volunteer to help Tenants (and Landlords) in need!

Tenant Resource Center is looking for volunteers!

What will the Council Talk About Tonight

Hmmmmm . . . nothing? There is a public hearing on the budget, wanna take bets if anyone shows up?

Landlords want registration service, no fees

Um, so everyone else should just pay for it? Do they think this stuff just happens for free?