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Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings, 3 of them are tonight!

County Week Ahead

8 more meetings before 4pm . . . 12pm, 1:00, 2:00, 8:15, 8:30, 9 - you available to go to any of those "public meetings?

City Week Ahead (Updated)

10 meetings before 4pm - do you know folks who an attend "public meetings" at 3:30pm, 8:30am, 1:30 pm, 10am, 8am, 12:30pm or 2:30pm? Can our alders attend during those times?

County Executive Appoints Supervisors to Committees

This will require confirmation by the County Board. Committees are where the public has the best chance of seeing what the county board is doing.

Alder Denise DeMarb Resigns

Effective June 30th. Common Council will choose and interim alder.

Want to Know what the Plans for the Alliant Energy Center Are?

They are finally having a meeting that is not at 3pm - and this is the first I saw this level of details about the meeting . . .

Water Utility Board “Requests”

So, this is what Water Board President Lauren Cnare had to say about this little $6M snafu. If Denise DeMarb had not been asked, the powerpoint slides about what the water utility board thinks would not have been presented. What they have to say and what she explains sounds different than what I blogged about yesterday and the memo that the council got from the Water Utilty Manager Tom Heikkenen.

Council Executive Committee Priorities for 2018-2019

So, not much has changed on the list, but here it is. It is followed by an interesting conversation about what power the committee has. Turns out the guys that wanted the government structure discussion because the executive (mayor) has too much power, also thinks the Council Executive Committee shouldn't have more power either. I don't get it.

What will the council talk about tonight?

Nothing? What are the odds of that? 700 block of E Johnson is being referred due to an error in notification, Reconsideration of the Judge Doyle Square is being withdrawn and apparently the liquor licenses are all worked out?

Water Utility Plans for $6M Deficit

Sigh . . . how the hell did we get here? The Water Utility "became aware" of a cash flow deficit during their audit and their solution is to sell a bunch of property and raise rates to cover the $6 million? This seems a little strange to me. The the water utility director is "surprised"? The council will be getting a briefing tonight.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

And finally . . . now work!

County Week Ahead

Here you go! Again, sorry I was so slow this morning!