Home Media Page 23


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Board of Estimates – Operating Budget, Part 2

Short and sweet regular meeting here (25 minutes). Part one of budget amendments here (2 hours 15 minutes).

County Board Week Ahead

10 meetings, only 3 before 5:00.

What’s In A Comment Policy

Comments on Madison.com and the Isthmus thedailypage.com can often get rough. Harsh comments and personal attacks and name calling - mostly done anonymously - are common. Check out the differences in the comments on these two posts about the same thing and the difference in the commenting policy

Non-Profit Funding Shake Up?

Both the county and the city are looking at the way they are going to fund non=profits. I found out about both of them yesterday, and it seems many of the nonprofit leaders had no clue about it either.

Elizabeth Coppola in the 21st!

Elizabeth Coppola In the 21st! Our public schools depend on it! Broken deals, petulant behavior, single-minded focus on an extreme social...

Partial City Week Ahead

Looks a little better than usual, perhaps they are trying harder?

What the Council Plans to Disuss Tonight

These are the only issues unless someone registers on another item or an alder decides they have something to add . . .

County Week Ahead

7 meetings, two held before 5:00.

Fitchburg Follies

Things are rotten in Fitchburg and it is time the people there demand more. A few weeks ago, the Mayor of Fitchburg, Jason Gonzalez, considered...

Should Dane County Parks Screen Campers for Sex Offenses?

Sigh . . .the neighbors think so . . . I had some different questions.

Housing Committee FAIL!

How long is the Mayor going to let this continue . . . why can't his appointees seem to show up? Could this be by design? Or just an indication of its priority?

City Week Ahead

This is what's available 8am Monday morning . . . clearly some items are missing.