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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

What will the council talk about tonight

This, and items people show up to talk about - like the budget and the Police Policy Report writer.

City Week Ahead

Until it changes. With many items without links . . . moving backwards in time . . . less and less transparency . . .

Day Center Updates

It's in front of two committees tonight meeting at the same time in different parts of town.

What the People of Wisconsin Want to Cut

I have brought up this poll before, but it is worth repeating as we brace for the Governor's Budget speech Tuesday at 4pm. A November...

Today’s WTF?! Moment

Remember way back when . . . we had just elected a Mayor and County Executive that said they understood and were going to do something about poverty. Do you remember last April? (yes, a mere 5 months ago) Based on the way the budgets are going, at the moment it seems as tho they have forgotten those campaign promises. But even when it comes to non-budgetary items . . . it seems the message has not gotten through, check this out.

Operating Budget – Part II

Part I is here. Here's more of what the departments are proposing.

Firing Documentation – Part 3

The first two posts are largely documentation of what occurred. Documenting the process and the first 4 sets of allegations against me. Now, the...

Moving? Protect Your Security Deposit from Carpeting and Painting Charges!

Madison’s “Moving Day“ is this week! Learning the real deal about these common myths can help tenants protect their security deposits and avoid potentially being charged thousands of dollars:

Official County Update on the Day Resource Center

And mark your calendar for several upcoming meetings!

What will the council talk about tonight.

Nothing? Unless something changes between what they have on paper and what they do, the only discussion items is an item that only an absent person wants to discuss because its a moot point.

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead

7 meetings! No more debates! Don't forget to vote Tuesday!

County Week Ahead

6 meetings this week, 2 after 5:30, 3 before 10am. Ever feel like these meetings aren't really for the public?