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County Week Ahead

18 meetings, no meetings on Tuesday, election day. Don't forget to vote!

Excellent Reminder/Refresher for All Involved in Local Government

Um, yeah, we don't run like a business, there are open meetings and records laws that are important. So, committee members, committee staff, elected...

Revised Alternate, Alternate on Overture

I really don't know what to call these things anymore, but this is the Schmidt/Bidar-Sielaff and now Rummel proposal for tonight, revised.

Judge says “Yes” to Free Lisa, One More Hurdle!

#FreeLisa! Update! Please call Sara Wasserberg, Lisa's PO, at the Probation and Parole office and tell her to #FreeLisa. (608) 273-5800:

Tar Sands Oil in Dane County?

Not my wheelhouse, but of great concern.

Cottage Grove/Monona Election results!

Thanks to the Herald-Independent! The new Mayor of Monona and President of Cottage Grove: Monona results: Bob Miller has defeated Council President...

Changes 6 & 7 to the Weekly Schedule

Barely 24 hours notice . . . Of course, the agendas are not linked as I'm typing this, so you'll have to check...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings - 1st one starts in 3 hours!

County Week Ahead

We don't want the public there meetings today at noon, 2:30 and 3:45, Tuesday 8:15, Thursday 9am and Friday at 12:30. 7 of 18 meetings start before 5pm.

The City’s Housing Policy Solutions

Sigh, what do you do when the Mayor gives you a task with a ridiculous timeline and no money. I talked with the Chair of the Housing Diversity Committee, Brian Munson and committee and School Board Member Marj Passman to find out.

Paul Soglin’s First Substantive Legislation

From tomorrow's council agenda. One for city staff. Restoring the cut of Arthur Ross's position. Mayor Dave unceremoniously cut his position from the...

Council Agenda for This Evening

Still catching up from yesterday morning . . .