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Board of Estimates Recap – Without Budget

Live blogged - only 4 members present to start.

Sure to be Screwed Up City Week Ahead

Here's what they want you to know about, but several meetings will be added soon after I post this - some with just a little over 24 hours notice. Those are the meetings they don't want the public at. Or, are the committee staff just totally inept. I'd guess the former. To add to the uselessness, many "no link" items this week.

Lets All Meet on Thursday Week Ahead!

12 City meetings in one day, including two big public hearings and I'm sure they'll add more meetings to it. Brilliant planning by "leadership".

County Audit of Human Services Recommendations

So, there was quite a bit of talking about how they did the study and some of the strengths, but here is what I took away as a bottom line from the presentation. Full audio will be included when uploaded.

Should the City Step-up on Bed Bug Education?

This is from the last tenant-landlord committee meeting. In full disclosure, Charlie is not only a volunteer at the Tenant Resource Center, but he is...

Plan Commission Live Blog (of sorts): Bethel Church

Now that I have a keyboard that I can rely on, I feel comfortable doing this semi-live, you'll have to live with the typos. First item of interest for me was the Bethel Lutheran Church Informal Presentation.

Judge Doyle Square Staff Presentation (Kinda Live Blog)

George Austin kicks it off . . . how much are we paying him to coordinate all this city staff???

Metro Stroller Policy: Feedback wanted

Safety concerns with strollers? Do you care?

Dignity Village

This is the oldest/longest running of the villages.

In other News: Dems Ask, Where’s the Day Shelter?

This week is nuts . . . too much news, too little time. Right now I'm missing the press conference on the Dane County Supervisor's Report on Racial Equity - can't wait to see that report too! But that will have to wait!

Worker’s Protest (City) Week Ahead

It's hard to focus on anything local or tomorrow's elections with the latest Walker assault on our Wisconsin way of life. But, here it is.

Eric Upchurch: Why Genele’s release is not really a win for her or...

Guest editorial . . . worth listening to!!! And supporting!!!