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Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings, 3 tonight

County Week Ahead

5 of the 11 meetings cancelled . . .

City Week Ahead

Meetings at 9am, 10am, 3:30pm, 8am, & 2:30? sigh . . .

County Board Recap

27 people here - 10 absences. Just imagine if people ran for office and actually showed up.

OIR Report Responses Are Out!

Haven't had time to read them - but here they are: Madison Police Department Response - 78 Pages OIRresponse police City Attorney Response to OIR report -...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting plus and action alert - take action today!

County Week Ahead

7 meetings, none on Tuesday or Wednesday.

City Week Ahead

Busy week for a 5th Monday, 5th Tuesday and 5th Wednesday - 23 meetings - some at ridiculous times - 9am, 1pm, 11am, 12:30pm, 12pm. Clearly not intending the public to be there.

Progressive Dane Endorsement Decisions

I worked hard on this email today . . . so I'm cross posting . . . among the other things I do, I'm co-chair of Progressive Dane, chair of the elections committee and active on the . . . policy committee!!!! Did I mention policy committee?

Voices Against the Jail

The meeting last Thursday at the County Board had some powerful testimony against the borrowing for the jail. Take a listen, particularly to Wanda Smith . . .

What we now know about the Veterans Housing on E. Washington Ave.

It sounds good to have housing for veterans - it does. But will veterans actually end up living there? They have a preference, but if no veterans apply, the housing will go to others. And, in reality, no homeless people will live there. Is that how we want to be using our tax dollars? ($2M of county funds, plus city funds?, plus other tax dollars?)

School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings