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City Week Ahead

This is what's available 8am Monday morning . . . clearly some items are missing.

City (Joke of a) Week Ahead

Its getting worse and worse every week, these are the meetings they told us about but there will we several more that pop up.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight? (Updated!)

This, and anything else anyone shows up to testify about or alders choose to pull off the agenda.

Mayor Proposed EDC Mission Changes

Adding equity goals and strategies making it clear the Economic Development Commission should be working on employment opportunities for ALL of Madison's residents. I read this to mean mot just BioAg and High Tech and young entrepreneurs, yay!

Open Letter to CCOC on Police Policy Committee

Signed by 35 community members.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

2 items . . . could be a short one?

City Week Ahead

Only 17 meetings, so you know that's a big fat lie, watch for more meetings next week. Last week they added 8 meetings. 7 of the 15 weekday meetings start before 5:00.

Imagine Madison: An Update, What’s Next?

So, the City of Madison is doing its comprehensive planning update that is required every 10 years. This is what drives most development decisions in the city . . . well, this, and TIF and other government hand outs. Where are we at and what's next? And how will you get involved? Unless, of course, you don't care how the city develops (until its next door to you!).

Police Haters?!?

Ok, I'll take Chris Rickert's bait . . .

Another Alder Down!

3rd District might have a new alder between 2-6-19 and when the new council gets sworn in the 3rd Tuesday in April. I have a new question for all candidates I consider endorsing - will you serve you whole term? Imagine what would happen if the council moves to 4 year terms for alders!!!

Hero to Zero.

James Lofton went from being a hero and recognized by the city for his efforts to help save a woman's life by helping prevent her from jumping off the Monona Terrace, to (less than a month later) being kicked off the Monona Terrace rooftop area and another area because he is homeless veteran and has "too much" stuff with him. You can't make this up.

Is there any hope for Chief Koval?

I don't think so, he's too stubborn and proud to change his ways. Check out this exchange between Alder Baldeh and Chief Koval in the week after that atrocious council meeting. He continues to be combative and doesn't know when to stop, despite his pleas to move forward and forget about what happened.