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Beacon Rules!

So, I went to the meeting about the Beacon the other day. Neighbors are upset about police calls, police say its getting better, the Beacon staff did their best to say very little and get people out of there as quickly as possible. During the meeting and on the news they said that they patterned their rules after the library - so what are their rules? Let's take a look.

The Problem with Bullshitters

This is written by Gregory Gelembiuk . . . but I wish I had written it. Thanks Greg!!!! The council will be having a special item on their agenda on Tuesday to talk about the recent police shootings . . . I hope they take a look at all the resources and information Greg has dug up and laid nicely at their feet! You might also be interested in Amanda Hall and Mayor's Soglin's responses here. If you have an opinion, email your alders (allalders@cityofmadison.com) and the mayor (mayor@cityofmadison.com). There will not be a chance for public input on this item (#22) at the meeting.

Enbridge Pipe Line Conditional Use

No public input allowed, but it is a crowded house!

County Week Ahead

Can't wait til they add links to their agendas like the city does . . .

Protests everywhere . . .

In several states and throughout Wisconsin.

Amelia Royko Maurer on Chief Koval’s Fees

Make him pay.

City Week Ahead

Of interest this week: Buckeye/Cottage Grove Rd deal, adopting the Comprehensive Plan?, Government Structure Committee meeting at a normal time for a change (not during the day or a Friday night), 1st meeting of the two new Transportation Committees, tour the Cross Fit Games, Oscar Mayer Open House and more! Meetings at 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 8:30am - who attends these meetings? - most alders at work, many interested public members are too. 20 meetings this week, 4 are notices of possible quorum. 3 meetings in legistar not on clerks agenda, watch for those and others to appear throughout the week.

County Week Ahead

6 of 14 meetings start before 5:00.

Sign the Landlord Pledge?

If you were a landlord or are one, would you sign the pledge?

Here’s the documentation about why I’ve been fired . . . part 1

Since the gloves are off and the board has gone to the press and issued a press release . . . and it's up to the membership or the courts now . . . and the court of public opinion! Here you go . . . all the details I have documented.

City Week Ahead (Updated)

10 meetings before 4pm - do you know folks who an attend "public meetings" at 3:30pm, 8:30am, 1:30 pm, 10am, 8am, 12:30pm or 2:30pm? Can our alders attend during those times?

County Week Ahead

They have a new system for their meetings, listing more than a week at a time, but I'm not sure how accurate it will be moving forward. So, here's the meetings for this week.