County Week Ahead
Only 4 meetings before 4:00? Would have been 6 but two were cancelled.
Monday 3/19/18
3:00 PM Alliant Energy Center Comprehensive Master Plan Oversight Committee Alliant Energy...
City Week Ahead
So. many. meetings. I hope to be at several of them this week, but that all depends upon work. No too many daytime meetings or screw ups - relatively speaking . . .
What will the council talk about tonight.
Nothing? Unless something changes between what they have on paper and what they do, the only discussion items is an item that only an absent person wants to discuss because its a moot point.
All Streets to be Plowed – No Snow Emergency.
Now that's an oxymoron . . . . downtown streets aren't truly plowed if there is no snow emergency declared . . . duh. I'm guessing they're hoping it melts quickly and they don't care about the people who live downtown, its just students you know, or rich people who can afford underground parking. Not.
City and County Mo’ Meetings
This is so absurd - both bodies have rules (ordinances and APMs) that say the meeting notices are supposed to be in by Friday at noon . . . but I guess that's more of a suggestion? Sould we all start treating ordinances like suggestions?
Madison Schools Week Ahead
3 meetings, 2 today.
County Week Ahead
Wow - 17 meetings, 2 cancelled, 2 missing agendas and meetings at 2:30, 7am, 7:30am, 2:00, 3:00, 3:30, 9:00, 9:00, noon and 1:00 -...
Report to Council on Surveillance
A few alders were more than a little surprised to hear the news that items are being purchased and used without their knowledge and that might not be allowed to know what they are. Surveillance Committee meets again tonight at 5:00.
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?
The Mayor and Alder Palm will be absent . . . this list seems a bit decieving as they are only excluding the language access plan, but they will likely spend time on development and alcohol issues.
County Week Ahead
1:30?, 9:00?, 11:30? noon?, 11:30?, 3:00? Are these times you have available during the week to participate in your local government processes? By the time things get to the county board, its too late.
City Week Ahead
18 meetings, 7 on Monday, and meetings scheduled at such public friendly times as 11:00, 1:30, 2:30 and 1:00. 4 meetings are missing if you only look at the "official" city meeting schedule. If you want to know when the meetings are you have to look at the official schedule, in legistar and to be safe, the wall outside the clerks office . . .