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Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

A couple cancelled meetings and meetings at 9am, 12:15pm and 12:15pm.

Common Council Recap Part I (of many)

Getting the council meeting started, honoring resolutions, Rosa Rd pronounciation, consent agenda, early registrations, public hearings and Heikkenen contract.

Is there any hope for Chief Koval?

I don't think so, he's too stubborn and proud to change his ways. Check out this exchange between Alder Baldeh and Chief Koval in the week after that atrocious council meeting. He continues to be combative and doesn't know when to stop, despite his pleas to move forward and forget about what happened.

Waukesha County Settles Lawsuit: Segregating Aff. Housing Based on Race

Wonder how Dane County is stacking up? Here's the city's and county's analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, I couldn't find Dane County's. See below for the summaries of impediments and actions to be taken.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Only one meeting? Guess they wore themselves out at that retreat we got late notice about . . .

City Finance Committee Operating Budget Amendments

Wow, don't show up 10 minutes late on budget night! I walked in during amendment one, they had already finished the other 7 agenda items. This is kinda quick and dirty, mostly unedited but spellchecked! :)

County Primary Week Ahead

A few county board primaries this week.

Additional City Meetings

I stopped doing these cuz they make me mad . . . the "week ahead" is a farce. There are typically 4 - 10 additional meetings that pop up during the week and you have to do these daily to keep up. Here's the 4 meetings that showed up yesterday, there will likely be more this week.

Cap Times Mayoral Debate

Video, recap, scores . . . by now you probably know how this is going to turn out, but I found myself being more critical on these answers and disappointed in things that they failed to mention.

Where is that mysterious Project-Labor Agreement for the Edgewater?

No one seems to know . . . has anyone seen it?

Complain About Alternative Transportation on Leap Day!

With this being a leap-year, and the great day fast approaching, I hereby declare February 29th as "Complain about alternative transportation day."   So how about...

Open Letter to City Officials on No Place to Go 2/17 – 4/16

Through a little mistake on the city's part, camping is not allowed (permitted or conditional) under any zoning in the new zoning code . . . hoping they can fix this. And be creative to help us solve our on-going issue of . . . say it with me . . . NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!