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Months later . . .

The Mayor's office staff writes a really good letter about admittance polices in the downtown bars . . . which are not necessarily limited to downtown any more

Navel Gazing I: Should the Council Have a Shared Agenda?

The retreat the council held, according to the news, was going to be about punishing Brian Solomon, taking on the mayor and all kinds of sexy topics - but, none of that really happened. Instead, it was about a shared agenda, a job description and a short discussion on how alders are appointed to committees. Audio files are here (part one and part two). This is part one, the shared agenda.

Why Teachers Need a Union –

Now that Act10 has been enacted making it next to impossible for teachers to bargain teachers are going to be left vulnerable. ...

A Billboard Coming to a Neighborhood Near You?

Yup - billboards, which have been essentially phased out of the city are making a resurgence of sorts. And at least one is getting bigger as a result of a lost lawsuit. And, while it resolves some issues, the Don Miller lot seems to have been forgotten in the deal. And when they site the 5 new billboards, there will be no city process.

Co-op Conference Coming: June 7th Tentatively.

A city Economic Development Conference. While everyone else was at the Landmarks Commission meeting last night, I was at home, sick, on my couch watching Board of Estimates and there's a few gens in there that weren't reported in the news.

Thinking you need a Union?

Well, learn how to do it yourself! As "management" I probably shouldn't be encouraging this . . . but it would...

Services Available to the Homeless

We rarely get notice that there is an opening! So, here is a spot for one person - with conditions!

4.1% Increase for City Managers?

I feel conflicted, we have a great staff in the City of Madison, but . . . seems a little goofy given what is supposed to tight budget times.

County Week Ahead

My best guesses about what might be important in an information vacuum.

City Week Ahead

Highlights this week - Landmarks Commission on Monday (100 State St), Council discussion on the Downtown Plan on Tuesday and Urban Design on Wednesday (100 State St and Gebhardt development on E Washington and changing law)

This is why Economic Development can be Hard!

Confidentiality. And rarely do you see a letter as open and honest as this.

Staff Recommendations on 100 State St. Block

This report is from the landmarks staff in the planning department. This is the summary, the whole report is here. They will be discussing this on Monday at the Landmarks meeting