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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Severe Weather and the 400 Homeless Sleeping Outside

I'd really like to see all 400 show up and test the alleged rules of the shelter systems that seem to be shifting and don't seem to reflect reality. If we have a cooling shelter, why not a blizzard shelter?

Education – Must Read

H/T Heather @ Monologues of Dissent! As our children go back to school and you meet with the teachers, administrators and classmates, tour...

The Myth of Education “Reform”

My LTE made the Cap Times website, in a slightly edited version. Here is the full letter(with links): Now that school has resumed,...

TRC at Central Park Sessions Thursday!

CPS-Single-logo Hey, hey, hey! Buy your raffle tickets from Tenant Resource Center when you go to the Central Park Sessions this Thursday to see The Silk Road Session July 30th at Olbrich Park . . . did that say Olbrich Park, why yes it did! 5:00 pm– Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble, 6:30 pm— Dengue Fever and 8:30 pm —Hanggai (Inner Mongolia)

Examining The Homeless Shelter System – Part I

Earlier this week the Homeless Issues Committee held a meeting designed to look at the homeless shelter system policies. This will be a three part series that reveals what happened.

Dane County Human Services Budget Summary

Love the bureaucratese - "All shelter, housing case management, information and referral, and food pantry and clothing distribution services are maintained at their 2015 budgeted levels." Funny, cutting 1/3 of the Tenant Resource Center budget makes it feel like something in that sentence is disingenuous. The "services" realistically can't be "maintained" when it comes to tenants in Dane County outside the City of Madison - what other agency has the knowledge, resources and skills that the Tenant Resource Center has?

How to get involved with the Konkel for Madison Campaign

I won't be doing much campaigning here, but until people get connected to the campaign and get used to the new contacts and social media I may post a few things here. Here's all the contact information and how to get involved.

George Gillis’ Replacement = Huong Nguyen-Hilfiger

This is old news from last week, but I thought I'd share since I'm not sure if people saw it or not, I know I didn't but I was distracted. She was confirmed by the county board, here's the background on the other two candidates and the memo and press release about the appointment.

Council Passes Uber/Lyft Ordinance Despite State Legislature Threat

They're hoping that Racine, Green Bay and others will join with Madison to preserve their local control. The ordinance passed (15-5) essentially levels...

Council Recap (Kinda Live Blogged)

Its going to be a bumpy ride.

Robin Vos’ Slumlord Bill May Pass today!

So, this is it, the bills destroying tenants rights, and tipping the scales in favor of unscrupulous landlords is headed for passage.

How to Celebrate MLK Day (Updated – 4)

Shut down all the city and county services and buildings without a plan for the most vulnerable. Nothing says social and economic justice like letting people spend the all day in freezing temperatures. (15 F forecast)