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County Board = Lots of Free Rides, Only 15 Races of 37

Shoot, now I got that song stuck in my head! Anyways, here's the county board candidates as of the filing deadline!

Only One Topic for Council to talk about Tonight?

Only one item separated for discussion - not sure if the Council is still on vacation, or if this is really all they have? It was a light agenda as it has been.

I gotta start paying more attention . . .

When did our library director resign? Work is killing me, no time to pay attention! Two more months . . . . Or was it just the holidays?

COUNTY???? Week Ahead!

Ok, I should really start trying to do this again . . . with spring elections county board elections coming up . . . people should know what is going on, even if the mainstream news doesn't cover it.

Happy New Year City Week Ahead

Well, lets hope this year is better!

Slip slidin’

It's kinda winter, snow expected to fall, but sounds like no snow emergency cuz it will just melt.

An Open Letter to Christopher Mertes

Christopher Mertes, managing editor and far right wing idealogue, of the Sun Prairie Star, recently wrote one of the most ridiculous editorials I...

It might be too soon but . . .

If you were confused about Madison Prep and feeling a little liberal white guilt about not supporting it, well, there is good reason for the confusion (you'll have to decide on the liberal white guilt). But take heart, if you were against, you have the NAACP on your side.

You’ve heard it said . . .

Homeless people are dirty and smelly. Maybe even said it yourself.

The actual story – MGSD

Recently, the Keep scott walker in power campaign funded largely by out of state special interests, ran an ad where he used a...

Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate

If you missed her when she was here in Madison, here's about a half hour of her talking with Matt Rothschild and then some Questions and Answers with the audience.

How Much Can You Get from the City for Carrying a Gun into Culvers?

Looks like about $2,000 but you have to pay for your attorney.